you have a swarm of honey bees? Or an established colony that is a
nuisance in a building or tree? If so, please call a beekeeper to safely
remove the bees. First, review our document on the left "What to do
when you find a swarm of honey bees", then find a beekeeper in our
directory. The directory is organized alphabetically by county. Search
for your county to see available beekeepers in your area.
Access the NYS Swarm Catcher Directory
This directory was created by Dyce Lab volunteers David Hopkins and George Myers. All beekeepers listed in this directory have approved being included. If you are a swarm catcher that would like to be added to this directory, please email us at
If you cannot open the easy-to-read directory link above, you can download a PDF version here. Please note, due to the vast amount of data in the spreadsheet, you will need to enlarge it ("zoom in") to read it.